Here I will share several instruction or tips that i have to distributed for you in choose the best shoe of sport according to condition, not just for badminton.
Okay, first be sure you not equate all shoes that can be used for sport or physical exercise. Caused there is several people who ever i see use shoe of cloth or more knowledgeable with 'warior' worn to take physical exercise. As i know that shoe will stresses your step in do physical exercise even less run, because we can see the under part from shoes have thick rubber or thick stepping and based on my experience that can causes injury. But basically, if you pleasant to worn, you also can wear it.
Avoid to use of shoe that height less than ankle, because when you fallen down or stumble a thing when take physical exercise, usually this shoe will not protect your ankle. And that already happen to majority person injury at ankle or dislocate at part of ankle because wrong of using the shoe.
This is usually you forget, that is size of shoe. Be sure you buy appropriate shoe of the size your foot, not too big or not undersize. Also be sure when size of shoe too big, suggested you wear thick sock to sprag your foot.
Choose kind of shoe based on type of sport that you wrestle, because as i say before that not all shoes of sport suited for used by us. For kind of indoor sport (tennis, badminton, squash etc.), be sure your shoe has rubber palm and scraggly textured because usually the surface of floor is slippery. Except for futsal there usually flat palm, That is usually worn at coarse field or outdoor. And for Outdoor field, you can use palmed flat shoe because the surface of field usually coarse and it more comfortable to use.
And the less important, be sure the material from body of your shoe base on cloth. That makes easy for you to move and make circulation of wind easier to decrease hot in your foot.
And last, don't be force your budget to buy expensive shoe but rarely in use because besides will lost at your finance also will decrease value from your shoe it self.
Okay, that all my posting this time and hope can be benefit for all of you. Thank.
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