Okay, first based on stroke method in badminton divided to be 2 parts, that is stroke forehand and stroke of backhand. But that stroke i shall explain the detailer later and really in posting this time i only will explain to you are term in stroke and direction of the stroke. (Look the picture and the explanation mentioned below)
- Service
- Short service done only need a little energy. Impressing shuttlecock enough with pushed use heavy transfer of body from hind forwards rhythmically. In do this movement, try shuttlecock walk nearly as you can with height of net so that can be difficult to opponent.
- Long service usually used in single game. With this service, the shuttlecock can near backline and nosedive straight sharp downwards. This stroke service, need many energies.
- Drive service done by strike shuttlecock as far as you can with direction of ball horizontally and fast, so that opponent will difficult to return back the service.
- Stroke Beside Service (Lob, drive, dropshot, smash, netting
- Defensive Lob (A) Defensive lob used to defend attack, done with throw tall shuttlecock far until backline.
- Dropshot (B) Stroke dropshot that stroke done with a purpose to laid shuttlecock as soon as it and nearly with net in field of opponent.
- Attack Lob (C) Attack lob stroke taken from in front of body above head, throw with low and fast.
- Drive (D) Drive stroke aimed along line side and horizontal as high as net, as a mean to speed up time of game with launch shuttlecock rock-bottom in net.
- Smash (E) Stroke smash done quickly and hardest as you can up at under field of opponent. Method in smash stroke much the same with lob stroke. The difference, lob stroke strike tall to top while stroke smash strike sharp downwards hardly.
- Netting (F) Netting stroke is stroke that taken as high as and as soon as possible in front of net and stroke netting must throw as low as may be with lip of net.
The meaning of stroke service is the first ball that precede the game. Service divided to be 3, that is short service (A), long service (B) and drive service(C).
Yes, may be to do this stroke need much time to practice. But if you want to try and want to increase your skill, you must take a lot of exercise. I need your comment about this posting to give me an input for my English language and talking ability according to the posting and for increase my skill about badminton. Thanks.
1 komentar:
Hi Endi, thank you very much for this. :)
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