Jumat, 30 Mei 2008

Instruction for Choose the Best Shoes of Sport

Hello, return again i posting to next instruction.

Here I will share several instruction or tips that i have to distributed for you in choose the best shoe of sport according to condition, not just for badminton.

  1. Okay, first be sure you not equate all shoes that can be used for sport or physical exercise. Caused there is several people who ever i see use shoe of cloth or more knowledgeable with 'warior' worn to take physical exercise. As i know that shoe will stresses your step in do physical exercise even less run, because we can see the under part from shoes have thick rubber or thick stepping and based on my experience that can causes injury. But basically, if you pleasant to worn, you also can wear it.
  2. Avoid to use of shoe that height less than ankle, because when you fallen down or stumble a thing when take physical exercise, usually this shoe will not protect your ankle. And that already happen to majority person injury at ankle or dislocate at part of ankle because wrong of using the shoe.
  3. This is usually you forget, that is size of shoe. Be sure you buy appropriate shoe of the size your foot, not too big or not undersize. Also be sure when size of shoe too big, suggested you wear thick sock to sprag your foot.

  4. Choose kind of shoe based on type of sport that you wrestle, because as i say before that not all shoes of sport suited for used by us. For kind of indoor sport (tennis, badminton, squash etc.), be sure your shoe has rubber palm and scraggly textured because usually the surface of floor is slippery. Except for futsal there usually flat palm, That is usually worn at coarse field or outdoor. And for Outdoor field, you can use palmed flat shoe because the surface of field usually coarse and it more comfortable to use.

And the less important, be sure the material from body of your shoe base on cloth. That makes easy for you to move and make circulation of wind easier to decrease hot in your foot.

And last, don't be force your budget to buy expensive shoe but rarely in use because besides will lost at your finance also will decrease value from your shoe it self.

Okay, that all my posting this time and hope can be benefit for all of you. Thank.

Kamis, 29 Mei 2008

Sport and Engage in a Walkway Fight (Tawuran)

Before it, may be now you more fed up with manner a part of student university that act brutal at the (time) of demonstrate to averse increase of price fuel. I am even also felt that thing doesn't beneficial people of Indonesia particularly society that feel afflictions effect [of] rise the price of this fuel. The student university made as if fighting for the society, but that happened more torment they are with their action. Even less augmenting with action trashes policeman with stone or strokes as if they grudge towards policeman. What the meaning they do that? While if they want the price of fuel go down not with trash the policeman, but canalize their aspiration by it should be. And now we can see the result, rather than price of fuel go down even government now is giving CDA (Cash Direct Aid) to student university as if is bribe student university to not doing that brutal action again.

Then what the relationship with sport? The relationship of course action that done by student university not fair, same like in doing sport, we fighting our victory with do sportivity and in canalize our aspiration even also sportivity must be highly respected. But what done by student of university with trashed that policeman, not a matter of fair.

Why? Because that policeman same likes referee in match, they watch over canalization of aspiration so that happen with it should be, but even trashed so that their aspiration is listened and one who should receive to be afraid (government). Is that be matter doesn't honour sportivity?

So from that I spurred for you all that want to canalize aspiration, should canalized in a fair way. Thank.

Selasa, 27 Mei 2008

Badminton Theme Song Lyric (Sundanese)

This is the song for Badminton lovers...
Come from Pasundan City. I really love this song, 'cause I LOVE BADMINTON...

badminton dimana-mana
dikampung jeng dikota
badminton bersuka-suka
ngalipur mana sungkawa

di lop apung-apungan
di cop ngaranet nyangsang
di smes ngabulah endah
backhannd di soledat

kokna ngabuluh entok
netna saping kabutut
reketna panggebuk kasur
tempatna tempatna dikebon awir

atu backhand
abdi nu porhen
abdi sekenhen
maneh sekenhen

badminton dimana-mana
dikampung jeng dikota
badminton bersuka-suka
ngalipur mana sungkawa

di lop apung-apungan
di cop ngaranet nyangsang
di smes ngabulah endah
backhannd di soledat

kokna ngabuluh entok
netna saping kabutut
reketna panggebuk kasur
tempatna tempatna dikebon awir

atu backhand
abdi nu porhen
abdi sekenhen
maneh sekenhen

di lop apung-apungan
di cop ngaranet nyangsang
di smes ngabulah endah
backhannd di soledat

kokna ngabuluh entok
netna saping kabutut
reketna panggebuk kasur
tempatna tempatna dikebon awir

atu backhand
abdi nu porhen
abdi sekenhen
maneh sekenhen

Evaluation of Thomas and Uber Cup 2008

I love badminton. . . that's one series of sentence always submitted by Erwin (commentator of Thomas Cup) before accompany the lovers of badminton in Indonesia and world watched match by match that presented by Trans TV and Trans 7 (local TV broadcast) early May ago. We still may proud because in fact that sentence still to throw until round of finals between Korean and China, although our nation is practically doesn't enter in round of finals faces with China Thomas team. Many speculations among my friends about the fail of Indonesia Thomas team went to round of finals one of them caused by players too much let loose promise and make advertisement that over do. It's that wrong? Really not wrong, but in fact this matter is may be become the factor 'x' from the fail Indonesia Thomas team went to round of finals, that is NATO (No Action Talk Only). May be if player reads this posting, they have reason that player 'not ready yet' or player type of low starter and as it. But in fact wish of god and wish of that human is sometimes different. If that human is too arrogant, this matter can happen to anybody include them. Because actually if seen from aspect of game, they have showed their quality as player of 20 big world rank. So, what is going on? It can be the factor 'x' isn't it?

Well in essentials, may be this can be tips for you all. The true lover of badminton must have way of thinking of champion, not only just advertisement. Okay!!! I love badminton!!!

The Instruction for Choosing Racket

Hello, I’m return again posting for you all fans of sport especially badminton.

I'm have sufficient time to be wistful, with increase of fuel that bounce up highly in this time may be you stress or dizzy thinking your alive now completely difficult?? Calm because I’m also face same thing. But I’m thinking again, whether with the rise of fuel price will influence also your leeway to doing sport and separate out money that usually you use to buy product of sport whose you require?? Of course for you that very careful in managing your expenditure don't follow this words. Well, for you glad and want to play badminton but confused choosing racket,

Here my instruction to choose appropriate racket with your need.

  1. If you are beginner in playing badminton, don't ever try to buy racket that the price above Rp100.000. Because from my experience, I’m still beginner in play at that moment but I’m bought racket at the price of Rp400.000 because tempted with the weighing of racket that light in weight and finally my racket was broken because wrong in the use.

  2. Like I’m say before, the racket that light in weight not yet sure will fit on your hand. So from that, choose racket based on base ingredient from racket itself, example for you beginner suggested to tries product from Yonex like Carbonex 8 or 9 that ingredient is base of a kind carbon. Because according to my experience, that racket fit to used for play normally or can also other brand provided from ingredient of carbon.
  3. If you not satisfied with carbonate racket, you can choose other racket that material from titanium or a kind of light iron. But for materials likes this usually the price of racket is expensive and there possibility fast crack if there wrong in use.

  4. Next if you already have a racket, choose appropriate string. For you beginner, use string with the price Rp25.000 downwards and apply to operator that installed with average pressure or average pulling, because usually when the string use in high pressure will causes the string of racket broken off quickly. And based on my experience for a few brand of string of racket there is string that can causes stiff muscle of arm or also shoulder, likes string Yonex at the price of Rp25.000 (BG 66 or BG 65) and it's really proved. But for racket that expensive, you can use string of racket above Rp25.000-Rp40.000 like Titanium from Yonex or brand of another and usually hold back towards high pressure.

  5. After that choose grip for handle of racket with materials of rubber, because usually with this materials not easy slip or slippery on your hand. But for who like another materials suggested to buy towel grip that price above Rp10.000 and also suggested to buy anti-sweat powder so that towel not easy broken and minimize slip in hold racket.
  6. Well, for treatment of racket string is obligated to give candle (fiddling) in string of racket once a week so that not easy broken off. And to minimize the broken off string of racket, for your racket that often broken off more than twice in one month suggested to replaced the eye of duck (mata itik in Indonesia) head racket with newly.

Okay, that is several instruction to choose racket that i share for you. I hope this posting can useful for you.

Sabtu, 24 Mei 2008

Basic Skill in Playing Badminton

In my posting this time, i will explain a little about basic skill of playing badminton.

Okay, basically everybody on this world has same talent in playing badminton because badminton is nature talent. For its proof, please you try to play (especially not yet capable), certain you can at least slap the shuttlecock. That easy, right ?Yes for the beginning may be necessary adaptation in manner holds racket or servicing shuttlecock, but basically that only need a little time to attune self in truth game.

Here a little tips from me if you want to play badminton safely and correctly.

  • Be sure you have tools that needed to play badminton, two rackets (for friend play) and a piece of shuttlecock but to be more safely suggested to wears shoe and sportswear.

  • After you have tool that needed to play, furthermore obligated to do warming-up before begin game although you just play 'hang around', because as little as whatever sport that perform will potential to cause the happening of injury. And supposed do that warming-up correctly and systematic, because it's useless when do this movement but not doing correctly also can cause injury.
  • Next choose playground that approximately support to play, supposed play at arena of sport but when there is not able to play at there also you can play at house yard, but in perhaps the place not too close to tree or roof of house because as we know if the shuttlecock impinged at tree or roof, the game will delayed except you have reservist shuttlecock.
  • After finished don't forget for cooling down. Why?? Because many people after take physical exercise they sleep or doing another thing while condition of muscle tight or contraction and when the muscle not be stretched it will potential to evoke muscle injury. This cooling down can be done by draw out muscles with static movement (more clear be explained in next posting).
  • The last save tools of sport correctly, because many people belittle in this matters. Exactly with keep tool of sport correctly, it will decrease possibility damage of tool for long time.

Okay, that's several things that i can share for basic skill in play badmintons simply. It's really look unimportant and insignificant, but when be done correctly you will get satisfaction from sport that you do maximum.

Jumat, 23 Mei 2008

Sejarah Bulutangkis

Seperti janji saya, berikut adalah sedikit sejarah dari olahraga bulutangkis. Sebenarnya saya sunting dari Wikipedia Indonesia, namun daripada cape-cape lihat kesana lebih baik yang dekat saja dan sudah disediakan oleh blogger benar kan??

Olah raga yang dimainkan dengan kok dan raket, kemungkinan berkembang di Mesir kuno sekitar 2000 tahun lalu tetapi juga disebut-sebut di India dan Tiongkok.

Nenek moyang terdininya diperkirakan ialah sebuah permainan Tionghoa, Jianzi yang melibatkan penggunaan kok tetapi tanpa raket. Alih-alih, objeknya dimanipulasi dengan kaki. Objek/misi permainan ini adalah untuk menjaga kok agar tidak menyentuh tanah selama mungkin tanpa menggunakan tangan.

Di Inggris sejak zaman pertengahan permainan anak-anak yang disebut Battledores dan Shuttlecocks sangat populer. Anak-anak pada waktu itu biasanya akan memakai dayung/tongkat (Battledores) dan bersiasat bersama untuk menjaga kok tetap di udara dan mencegahnya dari menyentuh tanah. Ini cukup populer untuk menjadi nuansa harian di jalan-jalan London pada tahun 1854 ketika majalah Punch mempublikasikan kartun untuk ini.

Penduduk Inggris membawa permainan ini ke Jepang, Republik Rakyat China, dan Siam (sekarang Thailand) selagi mereka mengolonisasi Asia. Ini kemudian dengan segera menjadi permainan anak-anak di wilayah setempat mereka.

Olah raga kompetitif bulutangkis diciptakan oleh petugas Tentara Britania di Pune, India pada abad ke-19 saat mereka menambahkan jaring/net dan memainkannya secara bersaingan. Oleh sebab kota Pune dikenal sebelumnya sebagai Poona, permainan tersebut juga dikenali sebagai Poona pada masa itu.

Para tentara membawa permainan itu kembali ke Inggris pada 1850-an. Olah raga ini mendapatkan namanya yang sekarang pada 1860 dalam sebuah pamflet oleh Isaac Spratt, seorang penyalur mainan Inggris, berjudul "Badminton Battledore - a new game" ("Battledore Bulutangkis - sebuah permainan baru"). Ini melukiskan permainan tersebut dimainkan di Gedung Badminton (Badminton House), estat Duke of Beaufort's di Gloucestershire, Inggris.

Rencengan peraturan yang pertama ditulis oleh Klub Badminton Bath pada 1877. Asosiasi Bulutangkis Inggris dibentuk pada 1893 dan kejuaraan internasional pertamanya berunjuk-gigi pertama kali pada 1899 dengan Kejuaraan All England.

Bulutangkis menjadi sebuah olah raga populer di dunia, terutama di wilayah Asia Timur dan Tenggara, yang saat ini mendominasi olah raga ini, dan di negara-negara Skandinavia.

International Badminton Federation (IBF) didirikan pada 1934 dan membukukan Inggris, Irlandia, Skotlandia, Wales, Denmark, Belanda, Kanada, Selandia Baru, dan Prancis sebagai anggota-anggota pelopornya. India bergabung sebagai afiliat pada 1936. Pada IBF Extraordinary General Meeting di Madrid, Spanyol, September 2006, usulan untuk mengubah nama International Badminton Federation menjadi Badminton World Federation (BWF) diterima dengan suara bulat oleh seluruh 206 delegasi yang hadir.

Olah raga ini menjadi olah raga Olimpiade Musim Panas di Olimpiade Barcelona tahun 1992. Indonesia dan Korea Selatan sama-sama memperoleh masing-masing dua medali emas tahun itu.

disunting dari Wikipedia Indonesia

Posting Perdana

Halo, para blogger Indonesia. Salam kenal, saya adalah blogger baru di blogger.com ini. Dalam blog ini saya mengambil tema olahraga dan sangat ingin membantu dan membagikan ilmu yang saya dapat khususnya mengenai olahraga dan lebih detailnya dalah olahraga bulutangkis, karena seperti yang kita ketahui negara kita Indonesia adalah negara bulutangkis yang kaya akan prestasi.
Dan mungkin pada nantinya apabila blog ini dilanjutkan, isinya tidak jauh dari tips sehat sehari-hari juga tips berolahraga yang baik dan lebih jauhnya saya akan menerangkan olahraga bulutangkis secara lebih detail sampai kepada pemilihan produk olahraga yang baik.
Oke, mungkin sampai di sini dahulu dan untuk posting selanjutnya saya akan menjelaskan secara detail mengenai olahraga bulutangkis.