Sabtu, 24 Mei 2008

Basic Skill in Playing Badminton

In my posting this time, i will explain a little about basic skill of playing badminton.

Okay, basically everybody on this world has same talent in playing badminton because badminton is nature talent. For its proof, please you try to play (especially not yet capable), certain you can at least slap the shuttlecock. That easy, right ?Yes for the beginning may be necessary adaptation in manner holds racket or servicing shuttlecock, but basically that only need a little time to attune self in truth game.

Here a little tips from me if you want to play badminton safely and correctly.

  • Be sure you have tools that needed to play badminton, two rackets (for friend play) and a piece of shuttlecock but to be more safely suggested to wears shoe and sportswear.

  • After you have tool that needed to play, furthermore obligated to do warming-up before begin game although you just play 'hang around', because as little as whatever sport that perform will potential to cause the happening of injury. And supposed do that warming-up correctly and systematic, because it's useless when do this movement but not doing correctly also can cause injury.
  • Next choose playground that approximately support to play, supposed play at arena of sport but when there is not able to play at there also you can play at house yard, but in perhaps the place not too close to tree or roof of house because as we know if the shuttlecock impinged at tree or roof, the game will delayed except you have reservist shuttlecock.
  • After finished don't forget for cooling down. Why?? Because many people after take physical exercise they sleep or doing another thing while condition of muscle tight or contraction and when the muscle not be stretched it will potential to evoke muscle injury. This cooling down can be done by draw out muscles with static movement (more clear be explained in next posting).
  • The last save tools of sport correctly, because many people belittle in this matters. Exactly with keep tool of sport correctly, it will decrease possibility damage of tool for long time.

Okay, that's several things that i can share for basic skill in play badmintons simply. It's really look unimportant and insignificant, but when be done correctly you will get satisfaction from sport that you do maximum.

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